Let me start by saying I know that 27 is still young but it seems that every year, time flies faster and faster. In the first part of your twenties, you are just wandering through life aimlessly lost and confused. All the while still living it up and saying yes to every new adventure. The last half of your twenties hits you like a ton of bricks. Days and weeks start flying by. You blink and you are 5 years older. You just want to say “Woaahhh! Time slow down!!!” I think in those moments, we forget what it means to be aging with grace.
This year my birthday fell on a Monday. I HATE Mondays. I woke up with thoughts of “I don’t want to go to work.” And “Ugh, I hate Mondays. Why did my birthday have to fall on a Monday.” Poor pitiful me. There really and truly are so many more important things that actually matter in this world.
These thoughts were indications of other things really chipping away at me. I had plans to launch this blog on my birthday and I was not able to. If I was honest with myself these feelings were coming from not being able to achieve that goal. I felt like life was rushing by so quick and we were so busy that I couldn’t accomplish anything. I was blaming all of our plans with friends and family and was getting frustrated that we never say no.

As the day went on and I had so many sweet “Happy Birthday” messages and acts of kindness, it truly warmed my heart. I began to reminisce and take a step back and look at the bigger picture. While I’m getting older and struggling with thoughts of “I’m not where I thought I would be” and “Life is racing by without me,” I have to remember to give myself grace. Birthdays are a time to reflect on all the things you have done over the years. It’s a time to embrace all these beautiful relationships you have made. It’s a sweet reminder of just how important all those times you said “Yes” to friends and family are.
These are the things that truly matter. While it is important to set goals and strive for them. There is no expiration date on when you can achieve them. There is however an expiration date on those relationships. You never know when a birthday will be the last. So, celebrate each other. Love and reflect with each other. Show each other grace and kindness in hard times. Go that extra mile to make someone feel special. God has His own timeline for your life, it is not our job to fret and plan. All He asked us to do was love one another and the best way to start is by celebrating the birth of someone else and showing gratitude they are alive and are a blessing to your life.
Hat – Dress – Long Y Necklace – Bar Necklace – Crescent Moon Necklace – Leather Wrap Bracelet

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