When I first heard about making your own almond milk from home I was very intrigued. I figured it was a very lengthy process and would take a lot of time, but I was definitely wrong. Here are some tips on how to make your own Almond Milk from home.

What You Need & Recipes
First off, you will need to purchase a milk maker. The milk maker we chose to go with was from Almond Cow. We did the starter kit which came with the milk maker, a glass jug, a scrubber brush, a 3-pound bag of Almonds, a 3-pound bag of whole grain oats, a 3-pound bag of cashews, and a 2-pound bag of coconut shreds. We ended up adding a second jug because we go through a lot of milk.
As far as recipes, there are tons of recipes out there. You can even make chocolate milk and coffee creamers. Our favorite recipe we have made so far is coconut cashew milk. To make any of these recipes, you add water to the base of the milk maker. From there you can add salt and vanilla extract to the water. Then add your ingredients into the filter basket and attach the filter basket to the top of the almond cow machine. Once you have everything attached and ready to go, you press the little cow button at the top and it goes to work. In a matter of minutes, you have nut milk. It is so quick and extremely easy!
Check out the full video of how it works here.

Perks Of Making Your Own Almond Milk
There are a lot of perks about being able to make your own nut milk. One is that it is way more cost-effective. The initial purchase is pricey but after that, you are just restocking ingredients when you need them. We were going through about 5-6 cartons of almond milk a week so it is more cost-effective for us in the long run. Plus, we are now reducing the number of plastic cartons we use which in turn reduces our footprint on the planet.
Another perk is that we know exactly what is in our milk. A lot of nut milks that you get at the store have additives to try to make them thicker. When you make your own nut milk you don’t have any of that and you know it is the cleanest it can possibly be. Which I LOVE knowing!
We have been LOVING our Almond Cow milk maker and are soo glad we invested in it. It has been such a game-changer for us! If you are interested in making your own nut milk, here is a $10 off coupon to go towards purchasing your Almond Cow. All you do is enter your email in the sidebar and they will email you the $10 off code. If you decide to start making your own milk, please feel free to share it with me. I would love to see what you come up with.

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