And just like that another year has come and gone in the blink of an eye. Every year at the end of the year, I start reminiscing on everything from the past 365 days. 2019 has definitely been a big year for me. There have been many first, which lead to many blessings and many lessons I have learned. Here are the top 4 lessons I learned from 2019.

Lesson 1: Stop Doubting Myself
Let me ask you one simple question, what would happen if you started believing in yourself and God’s plan for you? It has been said that “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” This is a quote that I am sure many of you have heard at some point. The thing is, it couldn’t be more true. We cannot have failure if we allow doubt to keep us from trying. If God has placed a calling on our life and we have faith in Him enough to go after it than we cannot fail.
It has also been said that “The things we are passionate about are not random, they are our calling.” So many times, we are passionate about something but are too scared to chase after it because of self-doubt. We believe lies like I don’t have what it takes, I’m not good enough, etc. I urge you in those areas to push forward and trust God and go after them and see what can happen.
Lesson 2: Stop Procrastinating
There is no time like the present. The time is now to do the things you want and have been dreaming of. If there is something you are passionate about or have always wanted to do, DO IT! So many times we are waiting for perfect timing or the stars to align or whatever it may be. But the thing is, timing will never be perfect, so just do it. You have to start somewhere so take those first steps and start heading in the direction of those dreams and goals. Remind yourself that when it gets hard or you feel overwhelmed that all you have to do is take it step-by-step. Even if they are baby steps, at least they are steps in the right direction and that you are moving towards your goals.
Lesson 3: Stop Playing the Victim
When I say playing the victim I simply mean making excuses and throwing pity-parties. So many times we make excuses for why we can’t do things that we want to do. We play the victim and then proceed to throw a pity party for ourselves. This was definitely me until one day it clicked. I thought to myself “Are you going to continue making excuses and feeling sorry for yourself? Or are you going to get up and chase after the things you want and make them happen regardless of circumstances and excuses.” The thing is, everybody can have excuses and circumstances that limit them. It is up to each of us to not allow them to stop us from our full potential and goals in life.
Lesson 4: Stop Comparing
It has been said a million times, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” It is something that so many of us do and don’t even realize it. It is pretty easy in this day to compare our lives to the next person on Instagram or Facebook. But what really happens when we start comparing? I firmly believe that comparison is the root of a lot of sadness, anger, and greed in this world. When you compare your life, looks, possessions, etc. to others, you begin to feel jealousy and bitterness towards that person. You will catch yourself making judgemental comments about them instead of being happy for their success and happiness. You begin to get greedy wanting more “things” to make you better than that person.
Here is what God would say about it all. When you compare yourself to others you are comparing God’s plan and purpose for you against His plan for others. God created each and every one of us with a specific purpose in mind. And maybe those specific features or circumstances that we wish we didn’t have, are precisely what He gave you to bring people into His kingdom. So, next time you start to say judgemental things about someone’s success or feel a twinge of jealousy remind yourself that God created you uniquely. Your purpose is not their purpose, cheer them on!
While I’m sad to see 2019 go, I’m excited to see what all God has in store for 2020. I’m leaving my heart open for the lessons He has planned for me. I’m hopeful that this will be the best year yet. I want to challenge you to think about the lessons God taught you in 2019. Feel free to share them because you never know when somebody else is needing or walking through that exact lesson.
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