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Lessons From The COVID-19 Pandemic

It is no shock that the COVID-19 pandemic has rocked everyone’s world! With that being said, I have definitely been a little MIA lately because I am in that category. You could say I have been going through a little bit of a transition period over the past couple of months. (I promise to tell you guys more and open up about it all at a later date.) I’ve been trying to establish a new routine while processing events, emotions, and all the things. I tend to process things a bit slower than most and am a big advocate for allowing yourself time to work things out mentally. Honestly, I think it is how to deal with things in a healthy manner, at least for me anyway. So here are some hard-learned lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic:

Lessons From The Covid-19 Pandemic

Lesson 1: Blessings In Disguise

You know the saying, “God works in mysterious ways,” well it is 100% true. God has a plan for our lives and He sees the big picture of it all. He is like a father figure and knows what is best for us even when we can’t see it. Sometimes we go through things and we wonder why God is allowing this to happen and to allow this pain. What I have learned is that if you pull yourself out of the “why me” mode and you ask God for clarity and you look for His hand in your life, you will see that sometimes things happen and they are actually a blessing in disguise. Maybe He is removing you from a situation where there is so much tension, stress, and anxiety that you didn’t even realize how toxic the environment was. I know that was the circumstance for me.

In the middle of the chaos and what seemed like my world falling apart, I was struggling to see God’s protective hand until I was out of the situation a week later. Looking back now, I feel silly for not realizing it sooner and trusting that God had me and my best interest at heart. See, I had prayed and prayed for a year to be out of the situation and while He wasn’t answering my prayer the way I wanted Him to, He was answering my prayer in a way that He knew was better for me. He removed me from a situation that was hindering my ability to do what He had called me to do and for that, I am so grateful.

Lesson 2: Know Your Value and Your Worth:

Let me start by saying, the way someone treats you or views you does not determine your value or worth. Other people do not get to determine that. People’s actions are a good representation of their hearts. “Hurt people hurt people, and healed people heal people.” This is a saying that I have heard time and time again at church and it could not be more true. I even use it to reflect on myself when I feel like I am acting a little ugly. Actions truly do speak louder than words, so pay attention and don’t be so offended when people act out or reject you.

Not everybody will be able to see your value, and that is okay. We can’t be everything to everybody and we won’t be everybody’s cup of tea. So, when people can’t see your value, or just constantly use you as a pawn, it is okay to bow out with grace. So many times I wanted to act ugly and lash out because I was hurt and betrayed but I knew that wasn’t right and I just kept hearing God say “Bow out with grace Kim.” Exodus 14:14 was on repeat in my head over and over again. “The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still.”

Lesson 3: Get Knocked Down, but not Knocked Out

If you follow me on Instagram, you know I love my Peloton and that I am a huge fan. This is a saying they use a lot and I love it. The reality is that God didn’t promise us an easy life. There will always be trials and tribulations. Life may knock us down but we are truly never knocked out. We can stand back up, little by little, and rebuild piece by piece and brick by brick. When we face trials, we have to be willing to find the silver lining and look for God’s hand and His purpose. Life is all about pivoting and adjusting, nothing in it is perfect and easy and that is the beauty of it.

So friend, pick that chin up and look for that silver lining. Don’t lose hope and keep fighting. Take my lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic and run with them. We are in the business of making lemonade with the lemons life is handing out!

For more motivation check out my birthday post!

The Rose Tinted Glasses



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