Y’all, how has it already been two years? The Rose-Tinted Glasses has officially turned two! It is so crazy to think that I pressed launch on this blog two Thanksgivings ago. One of my favorite things to do during milestones like this is to take a look back at the journey. To press pause and reflect on how far we have come and everything we have learned. Last year I shared some lessons that I had learned in my first year of blogging and I really want to keep that tradition going.

Lesson 1 Blogging – Share What Lights You Up & Don’t Overthink It
I think one of the lessons that have become so clear to me this year is to share what lights your soul on fire. I think we get so distracted by what everyone around us is doing and sharing. We sometimes see them and think, “okay so I need to be doing that or sharing that to get to their level.” The reality is, the world needs exactly what you have to offer. And you can’t truly give what you have to offer if you are caught up in trying to follow others’ footsteps and do what they do. You have to do a little soul searching and get completely honest with yourself to figure out what truly lights you up and do that regardless of the world around you. And don’t overthink it! It doesn’t matter what others think or if you feel like nobody is interested. I guarantee you that there is someone else out there who is just as passionate about the same things as you. There is a reason God gave you those dreams and passions, so share away.
Lesson 2 Blogging – Consistency Is Key
This is one that I am currently in the process of learning! It is honestly one that I feel like you have to constantly be learning. Consistency and discipline are the keys to making progress for anything you want. You have to remain consistent no matter what life throws at you and that takes discipline. Day in and day out you set a plan and stick to it. There are days and moments you may feel like not doing it because you are too tired or not in the mood. Whatever it is, you have to find it in you to be stronger than your excuses and remain consistent.
Lesson 3 Blogging – Keep Moving
Keep Moving! No matter how slow you go, no matter if you feel like you aren’t making any progress. KEEP MOVING! This is another moment that discipline and consistency come into play! You may be stuck in a holding period. Use that time to learn and grow and develop. Never stop moving though! This is also a great time to focus on doing what you love and not worrying about the result of it. Doing things because you love them and they set your soul on fire is the best way to do things.

I feel like all the lessons I have learned in this second year of blogging come full circle and are connected. Overall I am learning to invest in myself, take a chance on myself and my dreams. I am learning to be relentless in the pursuit of them regardless of the circumstances around me. I’m learning not to be so influenced and swayed by the world but to stand firm in what I know is right in my heart. Cheers to another year blogging my friends and cheers to learning more lessons in this crazy life.

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