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Lessons From 2020

It is no surprise that 2020 has been a taxing year for just about everyone. I think it is safe to say that most of us would just like to take our lessons from 2020 and never look back. But I think now more than ever, there is an importance on reflecting on this year. And I don’t just mean reflecting on the current events that happened. I mean reflecting on the things that happened in our lives personally. Unpacking and processing those events. So here are some of my biggest takeaways and lessons from 2020.

2020 Nashville Trip

You aren’t always going to know the “Why”

You aren’t always going to know the why of circumstances and things aren’t always going to make sense. This is something I have always known but this was a year that I got to put it into practice. Things happen and we may never understand or know why they happen. We can choose to get hung up on them and rack our brains trying to figure out every little detail. Or we can choose to let it be what it is and choose to find the joy in the circumstance. We may never know why 2020 unfolded the way it did but we must choose to believe in the bigger picture that God has created. Choose to believe that His plan for us is good and He is working on our behalf. Choose to believe He has you right where you are meant to be.

Nothing Is a Waste

While it may seem like a waste of a year to some, I think it was a year for refocusing and rebirth. 2020 was a year of stripping everything back and getting back to the basics. Getting back to the foundation and figuring out what matters and all the extras that don’t. It was a year for growth! We got to slow down and focus on getting to know ourselves. We got to push ourselves out of our comfort zones, and that is where growth happens my friend. So many of our worlds were rocked again and again and again. We had no choice but to grow. And for that, I don’t believe this year was a waste. It is the beauty that comes from the ashes!

2020 Arizona Roadtrip
What Lifts You Wings

Life is all about perspective

I’m choosing to look at 2020 with positivity and gratitude. Twenty-Twenty may have been a little bit of a dumpster fire, but I truly believe there is always positivity and gratitude to be found in every situation. When we focus on the bad, everything seems daunting and dark. But when we focus on the good, we can see the light and hope in the world. It is all about perspective and what we are choosing to focus on. What we focus on will dictate the attitude we have towards life. So what will you be focusing on going into 2021? What silver linings are you looking for?

2020 Utah Road Trip

I truly believe there is always a lesson to be learned in every situation we face in life. We have to be willing to take a step back and look at the situation as a whole to figure it out, but it is always there. So what lessons from 2020 are you taking with you into 2021?

For more lessons I learned from 2020 check out the Lessons I Learned From The COVID-19 Pandemic

The Rose Tinted Glasses




  • Sarah Tonin

    I love this! I’ve slowly done away with New Years, goals and resolutions. This year I’ve decided all I need to do is be kinder to myself.

    • admin

      I am so glad it spoke to you! Oh, I love that soo much! When we are kinder towards ourself, our kindess flows out into the world. That is such a good one!

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