It has officially been 1 year since I took a leap of faith and pressed “Launch” on The Rose-Tinted Glasses. And what a whirlwind of a year it has been! I have learned so much in so many aspects of my life. I feel like so many people think of blogging as this glamorous thing and I can definitely say it is the complete opposite. It is a lot of hard work and a lot of personal development. Here are some of the favorite things I have learned from my first year of blogging. Plus, a special surprise at the end of the blog post!!

Just Start!
Just start! There is never a perfect time! You will never have it all figured out and you will never know what you are doing. Things are always evolving and changing and there is so much to learn, so just start regardless of where you are or what you know. I knew very little about blogging when I started but I didn’t want to let that cripple me and keep me where I was. It was something that I knew in my heart I wanted to do and had wanted to do for a long time and needed to chase that dream down. I also knew it was going to take a lot of work and I needed to do a ton of research. So that is what I did, and honestly still do.
See we can get caught up in the self-doubt cycle and the “I know nothing about that” or feeling unqualified but the thing is nobody else is going to teach you. If you want something go after it and figure it out yourself. Don’t get caught up in your own limitations, blaze your own trail!! You got this and I believe in you!
I have learned discipline on sooooo many levels. I can be a hard-core procrastinator and that is something you cannot do with blogging. Well, I mean you can but it will be miserable and you will burnout. HAHA! Planning is key and being resourceful and productive with your time is huge!! Making a list and being intentional with my days, weeks, and months is such a game-changer for me. If I don’t have my list and plans written down then you can toss productivity out the window!
Caring What Others Think or Say
Quit caring so much about what others think or say! This one is huge!! And one that I still have to work on. Worrying too much about what others will think or say can literally paralyze your growth. You can get so caught up in it, that you lose yourself and your vision. People will always have something to say so just do what you love and quit worrying about it. There is something so freeing when you just quit caring and step into your purpose with grace!
Lastly, I have learned gratitude! Gratitude for every little thing, every little like on a photo, every sweet comment, every DM! Gratitude for every one of you being here and supporting this dream! There are so many times it can feel like you are just spinning your wheels and you wonder if anybody is listening. You guys are always there to remind me that someone is and that this is all worth it. I am thankful for each and every one of you and so grateful that you guys are here and take time out of your lives to be here. It truly means the world to me and makes my heart so happy, so THANK YOU!!

If you haven’t seen my stories, I am doing a *GIVEAWAY* to say thank you for your support and love over the past year. I am giving away a $100 Amazon gift card to one of you. All you have to do to be entered is subscribe to The Rose-Tinted Glasses blog. There are a few different places on the blog that you can subscribe, but you just enter your email and press the subscribe button. It will send you a confirmation email, wanting you to confirm your email. You will want to confirm your email as soon as possible or it will time-out and you won’t be entered. We will draw for a winner on Monday, November 30th, 2020. GOODLUCK!!! Love you guys and am so grateful for each and every one of you! I can’t wait to see what the next year with The Rose-Tinted Glasses has in store!

Ryann Webb
4 years agoLove this!! So many great nuggets of advice. I definitely fall in the trap of letting others people thoughts hinder me!
4 years ago AUTHORYesss!!! It is such an easy one to fall into and happens more often than people realize!