My mind is completely blown that 2021 is almost over and 2022 is right around the corner. It really is true, the older you get the faster time flies. What a year it has been! So many highs and lows and lessons learned. So keeping the tradition alive, here are my lessons from 2021.

Find What Brings You Joy and Stick To It
I mentioned this one in my recent year two blogging post but I wanted to go into a little more detail. There was a point this year where I was in a rut. I had lost motivation and inspiration, I felt like I was trying to crawl my way out of a hole and find some joy. It wasn’t until we went on our trip to Utah that I hit a breakthrough and figured out what I was missing. I was missing the creativity that comes with creating content, I was missing my blog and everything that goes into it. I had gotten distracted and was putting my time and energy into other things that weren’t lighting my soul up. It was an important reminder that when you get in a rut, don’t stay there. Do some soul searching and figure out what you are missing and what brings you joy and stick to it. This leads me to my second lesson.
Be selective with your time
Time is the most important thing we have and once it is gone we can’t get it back. And life is entirely too short to be wasting time. You can’t do it all, so you have to be selective with your time. I found this year that I was spreading myself too thin and was trying to do too many things at once. I was almost compartmentalizing all of them and doing a terrible job at juggling them. Then I would feel guilty when I was dropping the ball on them. One of my biggest lessons from 2021 is setting boundaries around my time. So often we say yes to things because we feel guilty or obligated and it isn’t because we really truly want to. It leaves us drained and then we are pouring from an empty cup. This is where finding what lights your soul up comes into play. A great thing to remember is, if it isn’t a “Hell yes!” then it is a no.
Don’t get in a hurry
We all have big plans and dreams for our lives and we tend to want them right now. Our society is so fast-paced and full of instant gratification so when we actually have to wait for results we struggle. We lose focus and we lose sight of what we are aiming for. We get distracted and quit working towards our goals. And let me tell you, there are plenty of things out there to distract you. The enemy is very sneaky at distracting you from your purpose, so we have to put our blinders on and stay in our lane. Everything happens in God’s perfect timing so keep your head down and keep working. Don’t rush God’s will, and trust the process.

I am so incredibly grateful for all the lessons from 2021 that I learned and the progress I made. My growth is slow but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Baby steps get you to your goals all the same. I am so excited to see what 2022 holds and am excited to bring y’all along for the journey. Cheers to 2022 friends!

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